
2018-03-12 07:28 32270人阅读 0人回复 显示全部楼层

[今日洛阳] 高中英语十大应用文常用句型大汇总

月下笛 发表于 2018-3-12 07:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一. 普通书信

1. 开头

I was delighted/gladto receive your letter. 很高兴收到你的来信。

Your letter came to methis morning. 我今天早上收到了你的来信。

I have received yourletter of June the 29th. 我收到了你于6月29日的来信。

How nice to hear fromyou again. 很高兴再次收到你的来信。

How is it going?最近怎么样?

You asked meabout(problem,question...),now let me give yousome advice. 你在来信中询问我……,现在,让我给你一些建议。

It has been a longtime since we met. 我们很久没见面了。

How time flies!It's three monthssince I saw you last time.时间过得真快!我们有三个月没见面了。

I'm writing to thankyou for your help during my stay in America. 我写信是为了感谢你对我在美国期间的帮助。

2. 结尾

I am looking forwardto receiving your letter. 我期待你的来信。

Thank you inadvance. 提前谢谢你。

Please write to me assoon as possible. 请尽快回信。

Good luck./Wish youthe best of luck. 祝你好运!

With bestwishes. 致以我诚挚的祝福。

Wish you success. 祝你成功。

Wish you a pleasantjourney. 祝你旅途愉快。

Please remember me toyour family. 请代我向你的家人问好。

I'd appreciate it ifyou could reply earlier. 请尽快回信,我将不胜感激。

二. 感谢信

Thank you so muchfor... 非常感谢……

I would like to thankyou from the bottom of my heart for...我由衷地感谢你……

I'm writing to expressmy sincere gratitude for... 写此信来表达我的诚挚谢意……

I'm grateful to youfor... 因你……,我深表谢意。

I truly appreciateyour... 我真诚感谢你……

Words fail to conveymy gratitude to you. 我对你的感激之情难以用言语表达。

I take the opportunityto express to you my deep appreciation for... 我借此机会向你表达我深深的谢意……

It's kind and generousof you to do this for me and I do appreciate it more than I can say. 你如此善良和慷慨地帮助我,我不胜感激。

三. 致歉信

I would like toexpress my apology for... 对于……,我想要表达我的歉意。

Will you be goodenough to excuse me for.../Excuse me for... 请原谅我……

Please accept mysincerest and deepest apology for... 请接受我最真诚的致歉……

I'm terribly sorry totell you that.../I regret to inform you that... 很抱歉地告诉你……

I write to you toexpress my deep regret. 我写此信向你表示深深的懊悔。

I am writing toapologize to you for... 我写信向你致歉,因为……

Would you mind if I...?你是否介意如果我……?

To make up mythoughtless behavior,I... 为了弥补我欠考虑的行为,我……

I wish I could begiven a chance to make up for my inconsideration. 我希望你能给我一个机会来弥补我的考虑不周。

四. 邀请信

I am pleased to inviteyou to attend.../It's a pleasure for me to invite you to attend... 我很荣幸能邀请你参加……

I wonder if you couldcome... 你是否能来……

My family and I wouldfeel honored if you could come. 如果你能来,我和家人会倍感荣幸。

I am sure that youwill enjoy yourself here. 相信你能在这儿过得愉快。

I am writing on behalfof all the students of our department to invite you to give a lecture on... 我代表全系学生邀请您为我们就……进行讲座。

We look forward toseeing you. 我们期待见到你。

We would be lookingforward to your participation in the party. 我们期待你参加聚会。

We would be verygrateful if you could give a talk on... 我们会万分感激如果你能就……进行讲座。

五. 建议信

I am writing toexpress my views concerning... 我写此信来表达我关于……的观点。

You have asked me formy advice about...,and I will try to makesome conducive suggestions. 对于你来信问我关于……的事,现提供几条有益的建议。

I would like tosuggest that... 我建议……

Why not.../Why don'tyou...?为何不……?

I think it will be agood idea/more beneficial if you could... 我认为……是个好办法/有利的。

It's importantto.../It helps to...It should be a good idea to... 很重要/有帮助/是个好主意。

I am writing to put upsome suggestions concerning... 我提出几条有关于……的建议。

Please take goodconsideration of my advice.Thanks. 请仔细考虑我的建议,谢谢。

I hope you will findthese proposals/suggestions/recommendations helpful/useful. 希望这些建议对你有帮助。

Thank you for yourattention. 感谢你对此事的关注。

六. 申请信

I wish to apply for aposition of which you advertised in today's newspaper. 我想申请你们今天报纸上刊登的广告中的一个职位。

I have learned from afriend that... 我从一个朋友那得知……

I shall be glad toprovide you with any further information concerning my education and personalexperience. 我很乐意提供关于我的教育及个人经验方面的更多信息。

My name is...Igraduated from...university in...,majoring in...我的名字是……。我毕业于……大学,专业是……

I am confident myprofessional knowledge has prepared me to handle the job. 我相信我的专业知识能让我胜任这份工作。

I am skilled in/goodat... 我擅长……

I had good performancein every course,especially in... 我每门课成绩都很好,特别是……

I trust that I amcapable of doing the work well. 我相信我能干好这份工作。

I believe that I amwell qualified for the position as... 我相信我定能胜任作为……的工作。

七. 发言稿

1. 开头

Good morning/afternoon,everyone/ladies andgentlemen.

I feel very muchhonored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject... 我非常荣幸能有这样一个机会做关于……的演讲。

It's my honor to standhere to share with you my opinion on... 我很荣幸站在这里和大家分享我就……的一些看法。

What I'm talking abouttoday is... 我今天谈的是……

It's nice to speakabout... 很高兴谈论……

I'd like to tell yousomething about... 我想告诉你一些关于……的事。

Please let me give youa brief introduction about... 请允许我向你简短介绍一下关于……

2. 主体

As we all know.../Asis known to us all.../It is well-known to us all that... 众所周知,……

As far as...isconcerned... 就……而言……

From this point ofview,...由此来看,……

On account of this,we can... 由于这一点,我们可以……

No one can deny thefact that.../There is no denying the fact that... 不可否认的事实是……

As the proverb says,... 正如谚语所说,……

What calls for specialattention is that... 需要特别注意的是……

Nothing is moreimportant than the fact that... 最重要的是……

The thing weshould do is to.../What we should do is.../It is our duty to... 我们应当做的是……

3. 结尾

All thingsconsidered/In short/In a word... 总而言之……

If everyone...,I believe... 如果每个人……,我相信……

In my opinion,we should try to... 依我看来,我们应当努力……

Only in this way canwe... 只有通过这种方式,我们才能够……

Last but not least,it's everyone'sresponsibility to... 最后但同样重要的是,……是每个人的责任。

If you...,you will... 如果你……,你将会……

八. 日记

1. 格式

2. 正文

Today is Tree PlantingDay. 今天是植树节。

Firstly...,Secondly...,Thirdly...,at first,afterwards,then,later on,soon,finally,at last(表示事情先后顺序的词语)

at 7:30 in the morning 早晨7:30

On my way to...thismorning,...今天早晨,我在去……的路上……

It is Sundaytoday.This morning,we had a voluntaryactivity... 今天是星期天。早晨,我们有个自发的活动……

We visited...with... 我们和……一起参观了……

3. 结尾

From the experience wehave learned a lot. 通过这次经历,我们学到了很多。

I benefited a lot fromthe activity. 我从此次活动中获益颇多。

We can realize that...我们能够意识到……

What an unforgettableexperience!多么令人难忘的一次经历!

What a fine day!多么美好的一天!

This is the lesson weshould learn. 这是我们应当吸取的教训。

Though tired,I felt very happy. 虽然很累,但我很高兴。

九. 通知

1. 常用词语

give a talk 做演讲

give a concert 开音乐会

hold ameeting/class/celebration 举办会议/开展一堂课/举行庆祝活动

attend ameeting/sports meet/lecture 参加会议/运动会/讲座

have a class/ameeting/discussion上课/开会/讨论

make a trip 旅行

set up a club 成立一个俱乐部

set out(for)/arriveat...出发去/到达……

show sb.around/visit aplace 带领某人参观某地

meet at the gate of 在……的大门处见面

go to a concert/themovies/the theatre/the cinema 去听音乐会/看电影

join sb.in/take partin 参加

2. 常用开头语

Ladies andgentlemen/Boys and girls,may I have your attention,please!女士们,先生们/男孩们,女孩们,请注意!


Be quiet,please!请安静!

Listen,please.There is goingto be... 请大家听我说……有一个……

Excuse me,everyone!I'd like to tell youthat... 各位,打扰一下。我想要告诉大家……

I have an announcementto make. 我要宣布一个消息。

I have somethingimportant to tell you. 我有重要的事情告诉大家。

3. 常用句型

There is going to be atalk on... 有一个关于……的演讲。

The meeting will beheld in.../A lecture will be given at... 会议/演讲将会在……举行。

We are going to hold adiscussion over... 我们将会就……进行讨论。

The Dream Club hasdecided to hold a meeting on... 梦幻俱乐部会就……举行会议。

All the members areexpected to attend it. 所有的成员都要出席。

Everyone will bewelcome. 欢迎各位到来。

You are required totake notes during the lecture. 讲座期间,请做笔记。

Please be there ontime./Please attend it on time. 请准时出席。

Make sure thatyou.../Be sure to... 确保……

That's all.Thankyou./Thank you for listening. 就是这样。谢谢。/感谢倾听。

十. 报道

1. 常用词语

hot news 最新消息,journalist 记者,contributor 投稿者,report 报道,feedback 反馈,cover the event 报道这件事,said/revealed/announced/quoted说,显示,witness 见证,atpresent/currently/nowadays 目前,these years 这些年,in the past severaldecades 在过去的几十年里

2. 常用句型

It wasreported/learnt/announced that... 据报道/据悉/据宣布……

Thanks to/Owing to/Dueto... 由于……

With the rapiddevelopment/progress of...,great changes have taken place in... 随着……的飞速发展/进步,……已经发生了巨大变化。

With the arrival ofthe information age/knowledge economy age... 随着信息时代/知识经济时代的到来,……

In the past few years,there has been... 在过去的几年里,……

Nowadays more and morepeople begin to realize/be aware of/notice the importance of... 现今,越来越多的人开始意识到……的重要性。

Recently theissue/problem of...has been brought into focus/brought to publicattention/concern. 最近,……的问题成为了关注的焦点/引起了公众的关注。

According to thesurvey/investigation/analysis/report released/made by...there isa(n)growing/increasing/declining number of... 根据……的调查/分析/报道,……的数量正在增加/减少。

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