她是伟大的建筑家,是人民英雄纪念碑和中华人民共和国国徽深化方案的设计者之一;她是中国古代建筑学术领域的开拓者,为保护古建筑呕心沥血;她还是作家、诗人,著有散文、诗歌、小说,如《你是人间四月天》、《莲灯》、《九十九度中》等广为传诵的作品。她是一个奇女子,她最吸引人的地方莫过于独一无二的个性:不活在外人眼里,勇敢做自己。今天就让我们一起欣赏林徽因的《你是人间的四月天》,以及多位译者的英文版本,一起走进充满诗意的春天~ 你是人间四月天——一句爱的赞颂林徽因我说你是人间的四月天;笑响点亮了四面风;轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。你是四月早天里的云烟,黄昏吹着风的软,星子在无意中闪,细雨点洒在花前。那轻,那娉婷,你是,鲜妍百花的冠冕你戴着,你是天真,庄严,你是夜夜的月圆。雪化后那片鹅黄,你像;新鲜初放芽的绿,你是;柔嫩喜悦,水光浮动着你梦期待中白莲。你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,——你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!You Are the April of This World- Ode to Love(黄新渠 译 )I think you are the April of this world, Sure, you are the April of this world.Your laughter has lit up all the wind,So gently mingling with the spring.You are the clouds in early spring,The dusk wind blows up and down.And the stars blink now and then,Fine rain drops down amid the flowers.So gentle and graceful,You are crowned with garlands.So sublime and innocent,You are a full moon over each evening.The snow melts, with that light yellow,You look like the first budding green.You are the soft joy of white lotusRising up in your fancy dreamland.You’re the blooming flowers over the trees,You’re a swallow twittering between the beams;Full of love, full of warm hope,You are the spring of this world!
Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?– A Psalm of Love(李珍 译)Shall I compare thee to an April Day?
Thou laughter has lifted up breezes far and near,
And swiftly, dazzled everything in the vernal air.Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn,
The evening breeze coming soft, the stars winking.
For naught, and the drizzles soaking the bugs in thirst.The delicacy, the grace characteristics thee; Sublime
The crown of flowers belongs to thee. Innocent,
Sacred, thee are the full moon shining high every night!In the ivory field of newly melted snow, I see you
And in the newly sprouted shoots of green emerald,
In the white lily opening joyfully in the shimmering lake!Thee are the flowers in bloom, and swallows whistling
On the beam. Thee are love, warmth, a beautiful poem,
And after all—thee are the most lovely April day of charm!扫描二维码,关注我们周四的新消息,加入我们一起说英语。